heart health

Dr. Arash Nayeri Podcast on Ozempic

Cedars-Sinai Smidt Heart Institute and COR Medical Group cardiologist Dr. Arash Nayeri is a guest on the GrossAnatomy Podcast with Dr. Jason Cohen. Listen on Spotify  

Virtual (Telemedicine) Visits

Should I cancel my upcoming appointment? Not necessarily. You should call us and change it to a virtual visit or telemedicine visit, if at all possible. We are encouraging our patients to stay safe at home and take advantage of technology to continue their medical care. While in individual cases, our physicians might feel that some patients

Advantages Of Holter Monitor

A holter monitor is a small device that records your heart rhythm rate. It serves the same function as an ECG, but helps in continuous monitoring of the heart rate, unlike the former. Holter monitoring is suggested by doctors when they need to examine their patient’s heart condition over a couple of days. The portable

Exercise and Heart Health

Keep active, Keep Moving Don’t Sit if You Don’t Have To Medical research suggests that a sedentary lifestyle might be among the key risk factors for  heart disease.  Those who sit at work most of the day tend to have more health problems over time. However, the good news is that you can help prevent

Men’s Health Month: Screenings for Early Detection of Heart Disease

Men’s health is in the spotlight for the month of June. For the most part, men habitually avoid going to see their doctors until there is some sort of health emergency. Women out live men on average of 5 years in the United States, with cardiovascular disease as the leading cause for men’s death. The

Testosterone Supplements and Heart Health

Taking a testosterone supplement might increase men’s risk of suffering a heart attack, according to a new medical study. The study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, looked at more than 55,000 men who had started taking testosterone. Testosterone supplements have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration

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What Happens in a Consultation?

01. Get to know us.

02. Help us understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“Dr Nayeri gave me insights re my health and what i needed more than any other physician I have had in the past. I'm in great hands.”

– J A Guadiana

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